Friday 16 October 2020


Whether you find yourself mounting a new TV, installing shelving or simply hanging a picture, we all understand how frustrating it can become to miss the metal studs or wood studs  and end up damaging the wall.

To avoid this situation, you should consider investing into a stud finder of high quality. It will enable you to accurately and safely attach items to a wall without damaging it.

Read through the follow article to find out more about the best stud finder and how to choose one. Also keep in mind that when using any type of tool like to detect studs, it’s best to use a quality and comfortable pair of safety glasses.

CH Hanson 03040 Magnetic Stud Finder
4.6 out of 5 stars (4.6 / 5)
Amazon Link For Prices
ProSensor 710 Franklin Sensors ProSensor 710 Precision Stud Finder Yellow

4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)
Amazon Link For Prices
Zircon Multiscan i520 Center-Finding Stud Finder
4.2 out of 5 stars (4.2 / 5)
Amazon Link For Prices

What to Look for 

A device which is used for locating and marking the studs behind the surface of a wall is called a stud finder. Both professional tradesmen and DIY lovers use this device when necessary. Stud finders are categorized into two main types:

  • Magnetic Stud Finders
  • Electronic Stud Finders

The function of electronic stud finders is to detect the wall density and identify solid areas like metal studs  that are created due to studs. The advantage of electronic stud finders is that they can scan multiple studs. They are battery operated, and they include AC detectors and levels. The magnetic stud finders have relatively a simple design. They detect metal fasteners on wooden studs to identify the location of those studs.   


You should use stud finders when you need to attach things like TV mounts, shelving etc. to a drywall. It helps you to know the location of framing studs so you know you are attaching your things to something safe. If you are attaching your shelves on the drywall without finding the studs, there is a high chance you will damage the wall. Even if nothing happens at that time, the wall will surely get damaged when you put something heavy on your shelf. Therefore, it is wise to invest a small amount to buy a stud finder than to damage your wall and pay for expensive repairs.


Many people need a stud finder for safely putting up some shelves. If you are one of them, you do not need to buy a very expensive model of the device. A magnetic one is enough to do your job because you will not be needing the features, durability, and specs of high range stud finders.


The requirements of a tradesman for this tool is very high. His device should be reliable, durable, and highly accurate. If that’s you then you should buy an expensive model which is an electronic stud finder with LCD display. The device should have multi-sensors so it accurately detects the studs. For professional use those electronic ones are the best which can identify multiple studs at the same time.


The price range of stud finders vary very much. You can find one ranging from ten dollars up to seventy dollars or even more. The cheaper ones are magnetic models while the expensive ones are high-end electronic devices. Depending on your budget, you can buy a decent model for an amount between ten and forty dollars. Sometimes tradesmen find expensive models less useful despite inclusion of gimmicks and extra gadgets. They prefer basic models for a variety of reasons. In other words, the high price does not mean you will get the perfect product you are looking for to detect studs.


#01  CH HANSON 03040 

 (4.6 / 5)



The CH Hanson 03040 Magnetic Stud Finders is a perfect bang for the buck!

It is a basic one that is highly reliable and portable. You won’t need any batteries to operate it and can easily slip it into your pocket. Its two-way level feature makes the tasking of marking a spot very easy. Surprisingly, it is the most accurate stud finder on the market. The design of the product includes ergonomic grips so you can comfortably hold it for a long time. The powerful magnet of the stud finder enables you to measure and mark without holding it.

The device has no electronic readers or LCD display. However, it’s simple design is very helpful for doing DIY jobs on the interior walls of the house. Both DIY enthusiasts as well as tradesmen consider it to be the best model because of the convenience and portability it offers. Although it does not have functions of electronic stud finders, it is very useful for the tradesmen.

All users of this model said it is highly reliable, durable, and very accurate. More than eighty percent users said the model is the best one they ever had. Amazingly, the price of the product is also quite low. It costs a little more than ten dollars which is very low.


 (4.5 / 5)


The ProSensor 710 Franklin Sensors Precision Stud Finder has unique features making it an excellent electronic stud finder.

The product has multi-sense technology that enables you to locate studs in different locations on a wall. This particular stud finder is very useful for large scale jobs; therefore, tradesmen have really enjoyed it.

The led lights present in this electronic stud finder show you the stud’s location so you can accurate mark the spot. You will need two AA batteries to operate it. The wonderful feature of this device is to detect hidden objects; therefore, you will not be drilling through plumbing or wiring. It is also excellent for detecting metal studs

The product is very popular among home carpenters as well as tradesmen. Seventy-five percent of the users said it is both accurate and reliable and like the led lights. They said the design of the device is very user-friendly, and the LED locator lights are very helpful as compared to beep function in other devices. It is an expensive stud finder with a price more than fifty dollars. The manufacturer offers a limited warranty of three months.

 (4.2 / 5)



The Zircon Multiscan i520 Center-Finding Stud Finder has wonderful features that users absolutely love to have like detecting electrical wires and live ac through both wood and metal studs.

This device has a laser pointer which detects both wooden and metal studs with great accuracy. It also has an audio tone for sound as well as a well-lit LCD display.

The stud finder can detect live wiring which is two inches deep into the wall. It has four scanning modes that is something which tradesmen really like. The four scanning modes are: AC scan, metal scan, deep scan, and stud scan. Both home carpenters and tradesmen find it to be an ideal device. One of the last thing you would want is to drill into live wiring, and its live wire detector keeps you safe from that hazard.
More than eighty percent users reviewed the product as a very reliable device.

However, there was some negative feedback too. Those users said that the device is not a tool of professional standards. The clear majority of the users still believe in its effectiveness and reliability. The cost of the stud finder is below fifty dollars which makes it a relatively expensive device. After review, this is the best electric stud finder available for purchase especially for metal studs.


 (4.5 / 5)



The stud finder by Studpop is a simple device with not much complication to it.

The stud finder detects metal fasteners which tend to be found on the framing stud. This is how it locates the studs. The activation of the popper lets you know when the stud is found. Now, this device does not require any batteries and it works on different types of walls including lath, plaster, tile, and sheetrock to detect studs.

The product is manufactured in the United States, and professional contractors specially designed it.More than seventy percent users found it to be a very reliable device. It has been said the product is very easy to use.

The magnet of the stud finder holds it in place when the user is marking the wall. It enables users to use other tools like level to prepare for the next step. The price of the product is less than ten dollars which makes it an excellent and affordable stud finder for home use and is almost as good as electronic models.


 (4.1 / 5)



This model is different from the other models of stud finders Zircon has produced.

It does not have deep scan modes which includes both AC scan and metal scan. The device can simply only do a standard stud scan. The price of this model is around twenty dollars; however, it comes with interesting features like a laser pointer, tone alert, and an LED display.

The laser pointer accurately identifies the structural studs especially their edges making the Zircon one of the best electronic stud finders available in 2018.

A vast number of tradesmen and DIY homes users have tried Zircon StudSensor e50 Electronic Stud Finder. The experience of home users was different from tradesmen. Home users found the device to be very useful and something they were looking for. Tradesmen were not happy with the product’s performance. They said the spots detected by the stud finder were not safe.

It is still believed that the product is very reliable, and one should carefully the read the instructions before he starts making holes in the walls.


 (3.7 / 5)


The Studboss Digital LCD Stud Finder has three features which makes it quite a reliable device.

It has an ergonomic handle that provides the user with a comfortable grip and a precision pointer that helps to mark accurate location of the stud. It also comes with a free nine-volt battery, and it has an LCD display screen.

Around sixty percent of its users say it is a very reliable device to use. With that being said, most people found it to be a very effective device; however, its performance is not as accurate when used on exterior walls.

The retail price of this stud finder is below twenty dollars and the company offers a one-year warranty on both service and parts. Still coming in at the 6th spot of the best stud finders in 2018, the Studboss Digital LCD is a good bang for its buck!


 (4.4 / 5)



Coming in hot at the number seven spot of the best stud finders on the market, is the Precision Sensors Stud Finder!

The most amazing feature of this electronic stud finder is its larger area of the sensor pad. It enables the device to detect studs with more accuracy.

The device is designed in a way that inexperienced carpenters can easily use it in any situation. The one touch operation of the device is very easy to understand allowing for it to be the go-to for any user.

The model has introduced a new concept which took the market by storm. More than seventy percent users said they have really enjoyed using it because it has provided them with more functions than the basic magnetic stud finder, and simply because it is very easy to use.

The price of the device is just below forty-five dollars which is quite reasonable if you consider other options on the market in 2018.

Without a doubt, if you’re seriously considering an electric stud finder, then this model is exactly what you need!


 (3.8 / 5)



We’d like to introduce you to the Bosch GMS120 Digital Multi-Scanner!

The most impressive feature of this Bosch device is its three modes of detection. It can detect AC wiring, metal, and wood. The company claims that the device can detect objects that are more than one-hundred-and-twenty millimeters deep behind the wall.

Majority of users say it is a reliable stud finder; however, many people also say it is not as good as some cheaper models. Most DIY enthusiasts said it is not easy to use, and it took them a lot of time to understand how it works. Maybe those people were used to magnetic stud finders, and their lack of experience with electronic stud finders was the reason for bad reviews.

The manufacturer of the device enjoys excellent reputation on the market. Bosch is well-known for manufacturing quality tools. The price of GMS120 Digital Multi-Scanner is seventy dollars. Bosch offers thirty-day money back guarantee as well as one-year warranty. Therefore, one should really consider trying it.


 (3.7 / 5)



As you can image, almost any product from Black & Decker must be pretty good, right?

Well, this is almost true with its stud finder for home use and we’ll tell you why it’s slightly missed the mark. It is a combination of an electronic stud sensor and leveling laser device which is a great idea.

Tradesmen as well as DIY enthusiasts say the device has many functions, but it does not impress the users with its performance. Less than half of the users said they did not find it as reliable as it should be.

The laser level function of the device is very accurate; however, the stud finder function is not reliable. The price of device is fifty-nine dollars which makes it an expensive stud finder. Majority of users say it is not worth investing that much amount into a device when its main function is not reliable.

It’s safety to say that even though we would recommend checking out the above tools before going after the Black & Decker, it’s still a solid product to consider for enthusiasts.


 (3.2 / 5)



Though we try to always find the best in our reviews, detects studs by Stanley is, unfortunately, cheaply made and it comes with unclear instructions.

Half of the users have stated they found it to be an unreliable device in comparison. Stanley is a company that enjoys a well-deserved reputation and they have tried to offer their customers with an inexpensive best stud finder.

However, the device is not worth its price point of around twenty dollars. When you want to put a hole in the wall of your house then you NEED to be sure that you are in the correct spot.

Many tradesmen and DIY home users have expressed that the device has not provided reliable results in terms of accuracy. They say there are more inexpensive models of stud finders that are more reliable despite having the same functions.

For some, it still may be worth the consideration with a price point of $19.99 on sale.


There are several factors that you should consider for the best stud finders. Electronic stud finders have more functions and high price. However, many models of electronic stud finders are not accurate and sometimes very disappointing. Magnetic stud locater are simple, but they do not come with many features. However, they seem to be more reliable and accurate due to their simple and effective working principle .As we try to always get you the best quality reviews on the market, there are plenty more we have to offer to you at our homepage!

From the above list of best stud finder, we can conclude that CH Hanson 03040 Magnetic stud finder is overall the best stud finder in 2018. The reasons for its top spot is its reliability, durability, and accuracy. The device is portable and one can slip into his pocket. That is one huge point that both tradesman and DIY enthusiasts have loved about it!

from Reviewimo

Tuesday 30 June 2020

Netgear C7800 Review- Top Quality Cable Modem & Router

The new C7800 is the latest and greatest from Netgear. The company has always been known for making superior networking equipment. In fact, they have a long legacy of almost 20 years since they initially formed back in 1996 and they used that legacy to make top-notch devices for homes as well as companies and large tech firms. Their word is usually as good as it gets.  So, does this mean that the C7800 relives the same kind of legacy? Well, let’s give it a look and find out.

Ultra-High Speed Cable Modem Router

The Netgear C7800 is advertised as a premium modem plus router solution. It’s specifically put out there as a possible replacement option for your cable company’s modem. Netgear promises to give you a better deal by giving you greater performance.It also makes it a point to tell you that you’ll be saving the high equipment rental costs that your ISP slaps on your bill every year. It’s fitted with all the necessary ports and features you would want in a modem.

Netgear C7800 Review Specifications


To get on the technical side, here are the specifications of the Netgear C7800.

Dimensions: 10.40 x 12.40 x 7.50 in

Weight: 3.15 lbs

Ports: 2x USB 3.0 Port 4x Ethernet Ports (4x LAN), 1x Co Axial Cable Port

Wireless Capabilities: Dual-Band AC3200 Wi-Fi @ 2GHz and 5GHz

Speed: Up to 2 Gbps (Ethernet), Up to 3200 Mbps (Wi-Fi)

C7800 Review

In terms of its design, Netgear hasn’t gone too all out with the C7800. Rather than purposefully going for a sleek or modern look, the modem has been kept fairly clean. And for a good reason too.Since this modem is all about performance and cost-saving, it makes little sense to go for a high-class look. And thankfully, the C7800 steers clear of anything that invokes gaudiness or a non-functional form.

Instead, the design is kept minimal and clean as possible. It has a rectangular form factor with a slim profile. The material is plastic, which is durable enough to sustain a few knocks while also not going for a cheap look.

That’s not to say that the design hasn’t been touched up in places to make it stand out. On the top of the unit, you’ll find a curved wave pattern going through from one side to another. A single red curve highlights the nice contrast of the otherwise glossy black finish.

On the front face, you’ll find the company logo along with all LED switches. These are used for things like power status, WPS, and Wi-Fi. Luckily there aren’t too many to crowd out the router. The rest of your status indicators are shifted off to the sideOn the back, you’ll find your necessary connectivity ports alongside the reset button, power button, and power plug. The back is also where you’ll find four chunky Wi-Fi antennas.And on the underside, you can find mounting holes so you can put your modem up on a wall instead of flat-faced on a desk. However, do bear in mind this can be a bulky router, especially when it weighs 3 lbs. It is certified by Comcast and XFINITY internet for Gig Speeds!


In terms of connectivity, Netgear has managed to fulfill the needs of most people.  There are four-gigabit ethernet ports on the back that can provide speeds of up to 2 Gbps for all your wired devices. This means that you can hook up your desktops to blazing-fast speeds with minimal issues.

For wireless capabilities, you have AC3200 Wi-Fi bundled with this router. This gives you speeds of 3200 Mbps for all your wireless devices. You can easily watch high-quality video streams on your phone, smart TV, or tablet using the C7800.

These options are great enough on their own. But to beef it all up, Netgear has also added in two high-speed USB 3.0 ports on this modem. That gives you the option to connect them to devices that don’t necessarily connect in conventional ways.

Connecting devices over USB is easy and gives you more options than just a computer or your phone. You can hook up a printer for print server capabilities or even stick a USB drive in there for a file server.


In this day and age, keeping your network secure is of the utmost concern. The last thing you want is someone getting a hold of your private network and doing something nefarious with it.  Luckily, the C7800 gives you plenty of options to protect your home network from anything shady.

For wireless security, you have top of the line WEP and WPA/WPA2 protocols for protecting your Wi-Fi networks. This makes it virtually impossible for anyone to hack your Wi-Fi passwords.

You also get WPS capabilities that let you connect to the router without giving out your passwords. You can make guests account on the router that makes it easy to share your network with friends or family without giving out passwords each and every time.

For concerned parents, Netgear has included parental controls right out of the box. This lets them lock down networks and settings from their kids if needed. It can be great for restricting access or keeping them off the Wi-Fi during study hours.


Performance is worth writing home about on this modem. It offers fast high-speed connections that keep you connected 24/7. Both the wired and wireless connections will offer you blazing fast internet speeds.

The wired gigabit LAN connection will give you up to 2 Gbps speed while the wireless connection will give 3200 Mbps right out the gate. The connection remains rock solid and steady when you’re using and rarely ever dips or drops off.

There are four antennas on this modem that give you that beefy wireless connection. All of the antennas are supported within guilt high gain amplifiers. This boosts the Wi-Fi signal beyond the standard range that you will find in most conventional routers and modems.

In fact, the C7800 gives you 3000 sq ft of full wireless coverage. This is more than suitable for most homes and apartments out there. You can be sure that your connection isn’t going to drop if you move from one part of your house to another.

The combination of speed and range performance makes this modem a very versatile fit. Not only is it great for work applications, but it goes above and beyond that.

One of the biggest reasons people buy the C7800 is for the entertainment capabilities it can offer. With such high-speed wireless internet, you can easily enjoy all your favorite movies and TV shows in UHD 4k without putting any compromise on the quality.

The steady connection ensures that even gaming performance is above par. You can play all your favorite games online without suffering any kind of lag, network jitter, ping issues, or packet loss. You can also watch live streams of your favorite players and even professional sporting events without the network cutting out during the action.

Netgear Support

Netgear has provided extensive support for the C7800. You can be sure that you won’t face any major problems getting this modem up and running out of the box.

Support for all major ISPs is present, so you don’t have to have a specific company for you to use this modem. All major companies like Comcast, Cox, Xfinity, and many more are supported.

That said, there are a few exceptions, such as Spectrum, Verizon, AT&T, CenturyLink, DSL providers, DirecTV, DISH as well as voice bundled services. But for the most part, you won’t face a ton of issues with compatibility.

You won’t any problems with hardware or software compatibility either. You’ll be able to run the modem and its setup utilities with any modern device. Computers with Windows XP, 2000, 7, 8, and 10 are recommended as a minimum. It also works flawlessly with UNIX or MacOS operating systems.

Once its setup, you can access the modem settings page with any device that has a working browser. So even smartphones, smart TVs, game consoles, and other devices should be able to work here.

  • Fast network performance on both wired and wireless networks.
  • Extensive Wi-Fi range
  • Included USB 3.0 port for print and file server capabilities
  • Works on most major ISPs in the country
  • Plenty of Gigabit ethernet ports
  • A bit bulky
  • Not supported on Spectrum, Verizon, AT&T, CenturyLink, DSL providers, DirecTV, and DISH.
In a Nutshell

All in all, this modem provides a solid bundle for those looking to get the best out of their internet connection. It provides the fastest speeds that you could ever think to achieve. It also gives you top-notch security and unmatched range for all your wireless devices.

All this mounts up to be an impressive package for those that want an upgrade over their standard ISP provided modems. With that, you’ll also be saving hundreds of dollars in equipment rental fees every year. That alone makes this is a worthwhile purchase. Looking for other netgear see Netgear N600 review

from Reviewimo

Netgear N600 Review – WNDR 3400 Dual-Band Wi-Fi Router


Upgrading the router from a single band to a dual-band can considerably increase the overall performance of your wireless. You would be in love with the speed, especially if you are a fan of playing online video games without any lag or streaming high-definition videos. All thanks to the double-band router’s ability to provide two simultaneous signals. It may also enhance the coverage, eliminating signal dead spots so that, you can enjoy fast network anywhere in your home or workplace. Here we are going to review one of the latest double-band routers:  Netgear N600  (WNDR 3400 Dual-Band Wi-Fi Router) . Let’s see if it is worth buying.

Netgear N600 Wireless – Dual Band Gigabit Router

In the gaming community, N600 has earned a reputable name, mainly because of its outstanding performance, fast networking, and affordable price. The primary reason behind its popularity is the dual-bands system, offering 300 Mbps speed per channel. That is how it offers a satisfactory speed, which is ideal for online multiplayer gaming and streaming high-definition multimedia. Due to the two channels availability, signal interference and heavy traffic are reduced to a great extent.

In addition to this, it offers a unique feature: The ReadyShare program, allowing users to share files and data on the same network. What’s more, there is a parental control program offered by the system to keep an eye on the children’s browsing activity. As we have established an overview of the device’s capabilities, let’s have a closer look now.

Specifications of Netgear N600

·         Device type: Wireless router – 4-port switch

·         Frequency bands: 4 GHz and 5 GHz

·         Status indicators: Port status, power, Status, Status

·         Processor clock speed: 530 GHz, 480 MHz

·         Wi-Fi speed: Dual-Band (300Mbps + 300Mbps)

·         Wireless protocol: 802.11a/b/g/n

·         Remote management protocol: HTTP

·         Interface: Ethernet 10 Base-T/100Base TX

·         Interface type: LAN, USB, WAN

·         Connector type: 4 pin USB Type A, RJ-45

·         Routing Protocol: RIP-1, RIP-2

·         Network Protocol: PPPoE, TCP/IP

Design and Setup

Unlike standard routers, N600 has an eye-catching design — sleek black casing with a blue button in the middle, which looks impressive. The LEDs are present around the blue-button area, and they aren’t just for the sake of appearance. They conveniently tell about the direction of the antenna. It is among one of the best design features N600 has to offer.

Another impressive feature, making this design unique, is the absence of external antennas. It means there won’t be any dangling rods poking outside the casing. Instead, the antennas are within the body. One more thing to note is that the blue button has a dual purpose: it also works as a WPS button. With this feature, you would be able to allow other WPS devices to log in without going through troublesome security confirmation procedures.

Further, a number of LAN ports are available on the device, along with one WAN port. The negative point about this design feature is that all the ports are regular Ethernet cables, not Gigabit Ethernet cables. A 2.0 USB port on the backside offers data sharing facilities, by using which users can share files with other clients and devices from an external hard disk.

Moreover, various LEDs on the front side work as status indicators — notifying the users about the Status, strength, and availability of the wireless network.

Note that the base of the device is flexible, giving users the freedom to place it vertically or horizontally. Thus, making it a more convenient option than many other double-band systems.

Networking Speed

The company claims a whopping 600 Mbps speed, which is just incredible. But as we know that, the actual speed is always considerably less than the claimed speed, depending on many factors — the distance between the router and the device, the location of the router, and physical obstructions like furniture, walls, concrete, etc. These factors above alter the networking performance greatly. Considering this, the speed decreases around 40% of the total. Don’t lose heart because it is still enough to download a full movie in a matter of a few minutes.

Security Protocols

Your login credentials and passcodes aren’t in a safe hand if the router doesn’t offer all standard security protocols. Luckily, N600 relies on WPA, WEP, AND WPA2 protocols to protect your connection from invaders. At the same time, the WPS button comes in handy at times when you want to connect with the previous device again without repeatedly entering the login information.

If you have an external hard drive shared on the network, the device allows you to put up security encryption on the essential files. It simply means other devices would require the login information to access and share the encrypted data.  Activating this feature on your network puts up restrictions everywhere, meaning every client within the network needs to request access.

NAS feature, which is the latest security system, is also placed inside the router’s program to handle both FTB and HTTB functions.

Another prominent feature that this gadget offers is the Traffic Meter. As implied in the name, the program is designed to track the number of clients attached to the network and the overall bandwidth usage. This program would allow you to put a restriction at the total bandwidth use to reserve something for yourself.  Such features turn out to be a lifesaver for networks having limited data.

Moreover, parents are head over heels in love with this device. And the reason is its Parent control feature, allowing them to track their children’s online activity and put restrictions anywhere they want. Plus, they can also set internet usage schedules as per the daily routine of their kids.

Overall Performance

On both 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz bands, the router gives out excellent wireless performance. Plus, the wireless range on the 2.4 GHz band is pretty impressive. The twos downside we could find in terms of networking is the absence of Gigabit Ethernet and the mediocre storage speed.

With a separate network on both frequencies, you can connect various media and devices and stay connected as long as you want. The speed and the distance between the device and the router have an indirect relation — when the distance increases, the speed decreases. For instance, on the frequency band of 5 GHz, the speed would be around 185 Mbps at a distance of 5 feet, whereas it can reduce to 122 at 15 feet. It is not bad, and you can stream HD movies without buffering.

On the other hand, for 2.4 GHz, the speed decreases immensely. At the distance of 5 feet, the speed would be around 72 Mbps. While at 15 feet, you would only get 47 Mbps.

Ease of Use

Whether it is your iPad, Android, or even PC, the network will have zero difficulties in connecting with the device. It comes with a NETGEAR Genie Application, which allows the users to monitor and control the home network remotely. Also, the app comes in handy while troubleshooting network disability problems. The router features a quick push and connects the button to connect with all WPS-enabled devices also instantly without asking the login information.

How to Set Up an N600 Double Band Router?

One of the reasons why Netgear is desirable among the consumer is that it is pretty easy because of the Installation Wizard Program. Whereas the Genie application assists in making the procedure further hassle-free.

·         Step 1: Turn the router on and connect it with any device — Desktop PC or smartphone.

·         Step 2: Put and search ‘’ in the browser.

·         Step 3: You can use the application here as well to quickly get it over with. After logging in, utilize the Installation Wizard program and follow the step by step instructions.

·         Step 4: After completion, update the security protocols and put up the WPA2 protocol right away. If you find it confusing, get help from the user manual that came with the device.

How to Connect It with The CenturyLink?

·         Step 1: By using an Ethernet cable, connect the Netgear N600 router to your laptop or desktop device.

·         Step 2: Put “” into the address bar of the internet browser and let it process. It would open up the router web interface. Or simply, you can put “” in the search bar to open the Netgear router web interface directly.

·         Step 3: Look for the login information present on the router’s casing and enter them here. Navigate to the “Advanced Tap” and open up the internet setup settings. A question will pop up regarding your internet connection, asking if it requires a login. Select the No option.

·         Step 4: Select the Dynamic IP Address. In case you are not sure, choose ‘Get Dynamically from ISP’ alternatively. Go for OpenDNS servers ( and for the Domain Name Server Address

·         Step 5: After enabling NAT, select the default address for the MAC address of the router. Next, navigate to the Advanced tab in the ADSL settings and open up the setup.

·         Step 6: Choose LLC-Based—next, Input eight for the VP1 and for the VCI input 35.

·         Step 7: Lastly, for the DSL mode settings, choose “Auto.”

What We Liked

·         It supports dual-band frequencies.

·         The functional range is wide.

·         The overall wireless performance is fast.

·         The design is user-friendly and ensures ease of use.

·         The traffic meter features come in handy at various occasions.

·         The remote access through the Genie application is a convenient upgrade.

·         The unit is affordable.

·         It comes with a visually appealing design.

What We Didn’t Like

·         It lacks the Gigabit Ethernet cables.

·         The setup is difficult to put up.

·         The network storage performance isn’t what we expected.

·         Physical objects affect the range to a great degree.

·         The USB port is outdated.



Considering the myriad of features and exceptional wireless performance, it is a perfect option for smaller homes. It is a great choice for users looking for decent network speed, dual-band frequencies, large bandwidth, and ease of use. On the whole, it is an affordable and efficient network solution for your basic needs. See Also Netgear Ac1600 Review 

from Reviewimo

Wednesday 24 June 2020

D-Link Cloud Router – DIR-605L Wireless N300 Review

amazon-buy-nowThis is the second time I’m reviewing another cloud router. It is the D-Link DIR-605L Wireless N300 Cloud Router. I have reviewed a cloud router before this one, that router is also from D-Link. The D-Link DIR-818LW Cloud Router was the first one I have reviewed.

D-Link DIR-605L-1

The D-Link DIR-605L released after the release of app-enabled Linksys EA series, but the cloud feature was not available on those routers by Linksys at the time of release. The D-Link DIR-605L got a brand new feature, which will provide users a facility to control and manage their home network from anywhere in the world, and this feature is a great one indeed in my opinion.

The DIR-605L is a great one with its good performance and a very stable wireless signal to buy. So for a home network, you can buy this decent router without any hesitation. One more fact about this router is that you won’t get anything better than this within just $30. The router is for those who don’t need a long-range wireless network, in this sector the router will just worth your money.

Attracting Design With Comfortable Use

The D-Link DIR-605L Cloud Router is a small one with a little weight. The router is so tiny that you can take it on your hand. It has two non=detachable antennae, which came up from the back side of the router, are a bit oversized and this oversized antenna is making the design look a little inappropriate. It has same ports like all the other routers have on the back side with the antenna. It will be a little crowded for you in the back of the router to work with.

The router has the typical tiny LEDs on the front side of the router, which indicates the status of all the ports that are on the back as well as the Internet and wireless connections. There is a WPS button for you on the side of the router to start up fast the Wi-Fi protected Setup for the clients. Your D-Link DIR-605L Cloud Router will stick to the surface and give you a steady movement with its four rubber feet. If there are multiple cables are connected to the router it can be a bit hard for it to stay steady. Unfortunately, the DIR-605L is not wall-mountable.

D-Link DIR-605L Setup and Configuration 

D-Link DIR-605L-5

The D-Link DIR-605L setup and configuration are damn easy. You don’t need anyone’s help to setup the router and run it; you can do it on your own. Though, the router has no setup software, but still it is not difficult to setup.

First of all, you have to plug the router in the power and then connect the router to an internet source such as a broadband connection through its WAN port on its back. Then connect a computer to another of its WAN port. After connecting a computer, open a browser like Google Chrome, there you will need a default IP address and that is and then you are all set to go. You will also know more about the setup and ease of use from the D-Link DIR-605L’s manual that is included in the package that you bought.

You can get more additional configuration from the Web interface of D-Link, which is likely to other D-Link routers. You will find the web address of D-Link into your given manual.

Another Cheap and best Router

TP-Link TL-WR841N Wireless N Router Review

TP-Link TL-WR841N Wireless N Router reviewTP-Link TL-WR841N Wireless N Router is one of the cheapest one in the market with lots of great features. The Wi-Fi router is designed for wired and wireless both platforms to give you the compatibility to use it. If you are willing to buy a router at a cheap price for your house, then you can go for it. Cause this router has the potential and quality to satisfy you with this price range.




The D-Link DIR-605L router is efficient enough with its great performance. The performance of this router has met with so many users expectations worldwide. Reviewing its price, the expectation of performance was not too high, but the router provided a data rate around the average among its peers.

I’ve tested the router in some different ranges to check its performance, at 15 feet the router gives 41 Mbps, with this rate the router can transfer 500MB of data to anther device within just 100 seconds. And then I increased the range to 100 feet, then the router gives an average speed of 37 Mbps.

Though the router has two big antenna, but the DIR-605L’s range wasn’t as impressive as other routers from F-Link. In my test, the router restricted at around 200feet, which is a very good performance for a router with this tiny physical size. The great fact about its performance is that the router is so stable with the signal rate.

What is the use of Cloud Router?

There is a unique feature in the D-Link DIR-605L Cloud Router and that is the unique Cloud feature. Cloud feature allows you to monitor and control your home network remotely from anywhere in the world. D-Link cloud routers will provide you a web interface to control your home network remotely. In their web, you will have to create a MyDlink account and then with this account portal, you can manage your home network.

My Dlink App Feature

D-Link also provides its user two mobile apps for this cloud feature. The user can use these apps on both Android and iOS platform. One of these apps is MyDlink Lite and another one is QRS Mobile. By using these two apps you can manage and control your home network from anywhere in the world.

Another Cheap and Best Router

Linksys E1200 N300 Wireless Router Review

Linksys E1200 N300 Wireless Router ReviewedThe Linksys E1200 Wireless router is the latest one from the networking giant Cisco. This is a new E series of Wireless-N routers. The router is the cheapest one in the category of single-band routers. It can be affordable for anyone because of its cheap price range.


D-Link Cloud Router DIR-605L Specs

Model DIR-605L N300
Radio Bands 2.4 GHz-2.4835 GHz
Antenna Two fixed 5 dbi External Antennas
Wireless Standard IEEE 802.11n – up to 300Mbps

IEEE 802.11g

IEEE 802.3

IEEE 802.3u

Ports 1 WAN and 4 LAN
Wireless Security WPA, WPA2 and WPS

from Reviewimo

Ubee DDW365 Review

The Ubee DDW365 wireless cable is an all in one networking device with lots of new features. The Ubee Modem router has incredible LAN capabilities with great speed. The device is capable of giving you multiple networking facilities for your Home or small office. This device can fulfill all your demands with its amazing networking variations. You can set up a complete wireless networking with this device. It can save lots money of yours by providing you so many devices’ feature in one device. So you don’t have to purchase multiple devices for different networking issues. One thing to do right away is see if your signal is broadcasting throughout the house if not try boosting it with a best wifi booster

Ubee Modem router DDW365 Features


Read Reviews

Advanced Wireless in Ubee Modem RouterDDW365:

The DDW365 has the awesome wireless capability with great bandwidth. It will have 8 SSIDs that provides fantastic flexibility for the network of customers. Wireless technology of this device is now more enhanced than ever. SSIDs can be reserved in MSOs for functions like guest access, hotspot, and also for some other software.

Tight Security for Ubee DDW365:

Ubee modem router DDW365 has the most advanced security to keep away unwanted visitors or users from your private network system. Latest security authentication and encryption standards will provide you the best security ever, so you can be at peace with your network system. WPA/WPA2, WPS and SPI firewall is also included in the security system to prevent unauthorized users from your wireless network. Overall with the security system of this device, you can work without any interference.

High-Speed Technology:

The Ubee DDW365 wireless modem gateway can deliver you an extremely well speed with incredible efficiency. It has now the increased bandwidth technology for better performance. You can watch HD Videos, Play Online Games with the high-speed wireless technology. You can also run high bandwidth applications without any hesitation. High-Speed LAN can give you the best ever speed and it will surely fulfill your demands.

Network Standard :

The DDW365 has some advanced network interfaces which will provide increased speed LAN capability. Ubee DDW365 has 4 10/100/1000 Ethernet interfaces ‘and these interfaces will give you well enough flexibility. There is also IPv4 and IPv6 support which will allow increased address capacity and advanced security.

Full Band Capture :

Ubee  has a unique feature and the name of the feature is that Full Band Capture. This feature will offer you channel lineup flexibility with No “Block” tuner restrictions. It will prevent all DOCSIS bonding and keep it in a certain frequency window.

Diagnostic Feature :

The multiple networking devices have the diagnostic capability feature to give you an Integrated high-performance spectrum analyzer. This spectrum will help you to decrease the cost of troubleshooting.

Ubee DDW365 Performance:

ubee modem router

ubee modem router

Read Reviews

The Ubee modem router  DDW365 can give you the best performance with its amazing features. It has the high-speed bandwidth for any type of use. The Ubee DDW365 can speed up to 343 Mbps downstream and 122 Mbps upstream. But the actual speed can vary based on issues such as conditions, network configuration, and service tier.



from Reviewimo

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Linksys E1200 N300 Wireless Router Review


The Linksys E1200 Wireless Router is the latest one from the networking giant Cisco. This is a new E series of Wireless-N routers. The router is the cheapest one in the category of single-band routers. It can be affordable for anyone because of its cheap price range.

The Linksys E1200 price is around $50 only, which is not so much in comparison to other routers with these features. This is the new one from the E series by Cisco, but it is the most affordable one and the most important fact about this router is that the router is easy to use like the other routers from E series.

The router is stable with its signal and all credit goes to the Cisco Connect software. The E1200 can transfer up to 300 Mbps with the feature of Wireless-N. In my opinion, if you are looking for a wireless-N router to manage your home or small office network then this is the one that will do the job for you with a great efficiency.


Model Linksys E1200
Radio Bands 2.4GHz
Antenna Single-Band
Wireless Standard IEEE 802.3/u/11b/11a/11g/11n
Ports 1 WAN and 4 LAN
Wireless Security WPS, WPS2

Charming Design and Proficient to Use

 The design of Linksys E1200 is just amazing like other new E series from Cisco. It got the flat UFO design as other routers from E series and it is a small one to fit in your place. The amazing fact about this router is that the router has a single-band antenna and the antenna is hidden. It actually has internal antennas. Unfortunately, the router doesn’t have the feature of wall-mountable.

 The Linksys E1200 has one WAN port and four LAN ports on its back like the E2500 and E1500. The router also has some other features including the power connector and the push button for the Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS). The bad news is that the router doesn’t have any lights for showing status but other models of E series have this feature. Though it has LEDs in every port, but it doesn’t have any sort of indicator lights in the front. From the front side of the router, the indicator lights can be seen.

The E1200 wireless N-router can be used by a beginner, the use of this router is that easy. It will give you the best comfort while you will use the router. The router is proficient enough to use. The Linksys E 1200 configuration is too easy to configure. You can configure the router by reading its manual. In the manual, you will get to know how to configure the router. If you can’t any problem I am here to help you, in the below of this review I’ll tell you how to setup and configure the router.

See Also

TP-Link TL-WR841N Wireless N Router Review

TP-Link TL-WR841N Wireless N Router reviewTP-Link TL-WR841N Wireless N Router is one of the cheapest one in the market with lots of great features. The Wi-Fi router is designed for wired and wireless both platforms to give you the compatibility to use it. If you are willing to buy a router at a cheap price for your house, then you can go for it. Cause this router has the potential and quality to satisfy you with this price range.


Linksys E1200 Setup

The Linksys E1200 Wireless Router setup is easy. You can setup the router by yourself with just an easy three step. The 3-steps are –

First of all, you have to plug in the router to give it the power. Then you have to connect an Internet source cable like a modem or a broadband connection to the WAN port on its back. The last step is that you have to connect one more LAN cable in the back of the router and connect it to your PC.

You can also setup the router by using the Cisco Connect software, which is also an easy way to setup the wireless router. For this type of setup, you just need to insert the CD into your computer that is given with your router and then all you have to do is just to follow the instructions that are shown on the screen. This will also get your job done without any interaction of yours.

When the software of Cisco Connect has started the router with Internet access then it will ask you for a username and password. It will provide you a default username and password, you can keep that username and password or you can set the new one as your wish. This is the last step for initial setup.

In the process of configuring the router, you can also start or stop the guest network, run the Speed Test tool and control the parental features. The Speed Test tool shows you the connection speed with the Internet. You can connect the router with your browser through the default IP You can also configure the Linksys E1200 from their website. There are some more advanced features included in the web and by using these advanced features you can easily configure the router.

Linksys E1200 Features

Linksys E1200 N300 Wireless Router sleek Design

The Linksys E1200 Wireless-N Router has fair enough good features, which are not the least. The E1200 is a wireless N300 router with a single-band antenna and it has a frequency of 2.4 GHz only.

The most important feature of this router is the guest network, which is efficient for sharing the Internet. With the help of this feature you can share your Internet with others but still, you are capable of controlling the access to your local resources including printers or files. The guest networking of the router can allow the maximum of 10 users, which is decent enough for a small office or a home.

The E1200 is simple in looking but it has a strong parental control content-filtering system, which is an amazing feature. The feature is also included in some other routers of this E series.

You can control this feature with Cisco Connect or the Web interface and with the help of this feature you will be able to change the bandwidth of a computer on the network accesses the Internet. You can also set a limit to another computer that is connected to the router with this feature. From the Web interface, you can manage FTP and HTTP servers also.

 Linksys E1200 Performance

The performance of the Linksys E1200 is not so good in comparison to another wireless router with these same features and price. In fact, the router is the slowest one of the other Wireless-N Routers I’ve reviewed. The average speed of the router is only 35.7 Mbps within a 15 feet range, which is slow in comparison with other latest routers. In the distance of 100 feet, the router is just too slow and the speed at this range is only 6.4Mbps. The range of this router is not so much; it is only 175 feet, which is even less than 200 feet.

Technical Specification for Linksys E1200

from Reviewimo